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Lives of Remarkable People

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1Lives of Remarkable People Empty Lives of Remarkable People Mon Oct 26, 2015 2:38 pm

time is money

time is money

The lives of Remarkable Women

There are not so many women-billionaire in the world. In rating of the 100 richest people of the world women take not more than 10 %. However their gross share among the richest people in the world is steadily increasing. It can be put down to heritage which is left for daughters by fathers пїЅ magnate, or marriage bonds and appropriate item in the marriage settlement (like in case with Melinda Gates). Probably it is really so. However we should remember that each of these happy women could not only save fatherпїЅs or husbandпїЅs capital but also multiply it.

Their lives stories can be a good food for reflection for those people who inherited much money and do not know how to use it.

Remarkable People’s Life of America

It is well-known that the most powerful people of financial sphere are citizens of the United States of America. The USA was and remains to be leading economic and political world power. Almost all the financial flows cross in the New World and create foundation of the world economic structure. Concerning the personalities, billionaires with american passports gathered their wealth by absolutely different ways. Some made successful investments, some created innovation product which predetermined development of industry, others went into business tending to billionaires monopoly. However despite of the difference in choosing the instruments of capitalization, all these people are similar in one thing пїЅ business running not only in efficient and established mechanizm of market economy, but in strickt legislative framework. History of american billionaries knew only exceptional cases of swift enrichment due to raw scheme or another doubtful actions. Moreover it worth saying that level of development of western economy recognizes speculative activity as absolutely civilized and legal way of capital growth.

Acquaintance with the lives of remarkable billionaires of the USA will be not only interesting but also didactic for those who crave to achieve much for short period of time.

The lives of world’s remarkable people

The most famous financiers, investors and billionaires, which are not residents of the USA and Russia, can be called people who not only made themselves, but also introduced into our lives comfort and even economy.

Billionaires from Europe have not created investment bubble and speculated with stocks. They acted simpler – create high competitive conditions in all the consumer markets. Meanwhile their major postulates of business dealing have always been quality and availability. In spite of the fact that stories of their billions are resemble, each of them is interesting and unique. Almost all of them began his business from small store, manufacture or small retail chain. However being faithful to their postulates after ten, twenty, thirty years, their projects of available and high quality products and services became transnational giants with annual turnover hundreds billions of dollars. This is IKEA and Inditex (Zara, Pull and Bear, Bershka), and H&M and ALDI.

If take mind off the richest people of Europe and look at billionaires from India, Asia and Latin America, we see that they scraped up a fortune on Media, IT and construction market which is also part of real sector of economy. Of course the richest people of Europe, Asia and Latin America cannot be called “correct” billionaires as financial flow of their countries is not that abundant as in the USA, and natural resources are not that rich as in Russia, but we have to do justice to them all. Though, partly, almost each of us has already done it buying clothes in ZARA, furniture in IKEA, products in ALDI.

Remarkable people’s lives of Russia 

Russia is a unique country. Russian people who are included in the Forbes list “100 the most reachest people of the world” are unique too. Members’ uniqueness of this prestigious rating lies not in their youth but in the youth of their capitals as well. It is explained by the change in the state structure USSR – Russia, transition to a market economy and the growth of private sector capital capacity. The basis of Remarkable russian people’s capital were founded in 90s time of troubles, when milliards were earned during weeks or even days. We can’t say that capitals of russian billionaires were earned illegally however there were such cases and in the present situation it is impossible to gather wealth during so short period. The time of immediant enrichment went by as well as the time pyramid investment scheme.

Another peculiarity of the major private capitals of Russian is raw material basis. 90% of capital was earned on natural resources. There are almost no innovative, speculative and trading billionaires in Russia. However the history of Russian private capitals’ formation is rather interesting despite of its monotonous. There are a lot of legends about the richest of Russia. Some of them leads their “heroes” to the criminal prosecution, others to the government structures and civic organization.

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