Time Value: This is the difference between the option premium and the intrinsic value of the option.Even if the option may have a positive intrinsic value, as there may be a still a long time until expiry, intrinsic value may be overshadowed by time value. If a trader opens an option contract with a long time horizon, the premium will be higher as there are larger possibilities of the option expiring favourably. As time to expiry decreases, then time value slowly diminishes.
In the Money: when an option contract has intrinsic value.
◾◾ A Call option is in the money when the strike price is below the current spot price of the underlying currency pair.
◾◾ A Put option is in the money when the strike price is above the current market price of the underlying currency pair.
At the Money: when an option contract has no intrinsic value. Call or Put options are at the money
when the strike price is the same as the current market price.
Out of the Money: when an option contract has no intrinsic value.
◾◾ A Call option is out of the money when the strike price is above the current market price of the underlying currency pair.
◾◾ A Put option is out of the money when the strike price is below the current market price of the underlying currency pair.